How To Label and Organize Your Moving Boxes When Selling Your House

Whether you are buying or selling, there is a move in your future and things are going to get hectic. While there are a few common-sense tips for making a move a little easier, such as using sturdy, clean moving boxes and packing lighter objects in larger boxes and heavier items in small boxes, organization is the key to success. And after moving 3 times in 5 years, we have personally learned one of the best ways to lessen moving day chaos is knowing how to label and organize your moving boxes when buying or selling in Kansas City.

Supply Kit

You will want to keep a large, preferably clear container that will hold everything you need for packing:

  • Black & Red Magic Markers for Writing on Boxes
  • Labels to Stick on Boxes – it you want to take your labeling a step further.
  • Rolls of Packing Tape and a Tape Gun to make the job easier
  • Bubble Wrap for Packing
  • Small and Medium and Large Generic Boxes
  • A Few Packing Kits for Dishes and Glasses
  • Clothing Boxes or Giant Trash for packing Clothing
  • And Trash Bags and Boxes for Donation Items
  • Zip Lock Bags of assorted sizes

Now if you are the stick-on label type you might take the time to get color coded stickers for different rooms. Also a set of fragile stickers that are red or bright yellow, so the people carrying the boxes know what’s inside. But the same effect can be easily attained by using your marker and writing what room it needs to go in and whats inside on every box. And write fragile with the red magic marker on all sides of those boxes with breakable items.


Your best bet at packing is starting early, don’t try to do this all in one day.

For us, we started in rooms and closets and cabinets with things we just did not use on a daily basis. We packed them up, packaging them together the best we could like puzzle pieces and where we could putting things like towels, wash cloths and other soft items we don’t use much as packing material. As we packed we listed out the major items or types of items in the box and made note of where the movers should put the box when they unloaded – kitchen, master bedroom, bedroom 2, living room, storage, garage, etc. (you could do the same with the labels)

The week before the move we packed up items we didn’t think we would need that week. And the day before we moved we packed up the final items that we used regularly. And last we had an open first box that contained the basics: something to drink out of, something to eat off of and to eat with. This could be real live dishes and it could be your paper plates and plastic cups.

And as the movers carried out boxes, we packed up the perishable food in coolers. Used our cleaning supplies one last time and packed them last.

The open first box, the perishables and the cleaning supplies went in our car so we could unpack and use them when we got to the new house.

Moving Binder or Clip Board

The last thing you need on moving day is to be searching for a list or anything else you need to help get through the process of packing the moving truck. Using a binder or a clipboard to keep track of all important phone numbers and to write things down as they happen makes life easier. You will want to keep this with your Supply Box so you can find it. You may also want to toss in a zip lock bag to corral small items that come up that you just don’t know what to do with. Pop them into that zip lock bag in the supply box.


Knowing how to use the power of labels when buying or selling in Kansas City will be of enormous help when it is time to organize your moving boxes. Labels can be hole punched as close to the outer edge as possible, in order to put them into your moving binder in preparation for moving day. Be sure not to put labels on anything other than boxes, unless you are sure it is easily removable. For furniture or larger belongings, you will want to tie on labels or easy-peel labels to save precious finishes. It also would not be a bad idea to place labels on more than one side of the box, in order to quickly locate information during the rush of unloading the moving truck or unpacking.

For us, we just wrote out what was in the boxes and where they were to go on the end of the box And then using small slips of paper, we labeled furniture. We just wrote out the final destination room on the slip of paper in large marker and taped it to the furniture. Then as the movers wrapped the furniture they could pull off the label and put it on the outside of their wrapping.

And do have a list of labels for the destination so they know what you call each room: Kicthen, Living Room, Storage, Garage, Bedroom 1, Bedroom 2, Bathroom 1, Bathroom 2 – etc.

Box Index

Creating a box index that coordinates with the labels is another helpful way to organize your moving boxes when buying or selling in Kansas City. While it may sound like an overwhelming task to write down the contents of each box, you will thank yourself for the effort. Trying to remember what box you have already packed something away in can be nearly impossible sometimes. Once you get started, you’ll see that the job of jotting everything down actually goes quite quickly.

While this sounds like a great idea, think about it, are you going to look in a binder to see that box 1 contains this shoes and box 2 contains books. Or would it be easier to write on the end of the box in an uniform matter what’s inside. And then as they arrive at the destination stack them in the corner uniformly so you can see what the ends of the boxes say. Then you can easily find things without finding that box index.

Do what seems the easiest for you.

Open Me First

We have mentioned this before.

Keep in mind that the order of loading the boxes is important when you organize your moving boxes when buying or selling in Kansas City. you will want to have special labels to denote the boxes which are of “open me first” status” and be sure these are the last boxes loaded. you will want to keep in mind what you may be in need of on your first night in your new home, in addition to the clothing and personal sundries you’ll want to have on hand. You’ll want your bedding, towels, and bathing supplies. Remember some food for staving off hunger and especially your coffee for the first morning. 

Don’t Delay

While it is advisable to begin packing as early as possible, allow yourself 2 – 3 weeks, if possible to label and organize your moving boxes when buying or selling in Kansas City. There is a formula that you can use to estimate the size and number of boxes that you will likely need to successfully pack your home. This will also help in making proper arrangements for the size of the moving truck used in transporting your belongings.  Whatever your plan of attack, you will want to set a goal of completing the night before the move with your “open me first” boxes. You could decide to finish room by room, with a certain date in mind for each room. Otherwise, you could have a goal of a certain number of boxes per day, until you have completed your task.

You can find a lot of resources on preparing to move from packing to utilities and more at

If you are ready to move, but still need to sell your house, reach out to learn more about how we can help you. Tell us about your property to start the conversation and we will answer all of your questions.

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Kim Tucker

Kim Tucker along with husband Don and son Scott have been buying houses across the Kansas City Metro since 1999. They specialize in solving problems, renovating homes, and fixing up the neighborhood. If you need help selling give them a call they make cash offers and because they are also licensed Realtors, they have a few other tools in their tool box.