The Seller Wanted to Sell On Her Timeline

Stephanie reached out in the fall of 2017 about her parent’s home.  She and her 4 siblings wanted to sell the house and in the next few months had us look at the home and make an offer.  But she and the siblings were not ready to sell for a few months.

Some of them moved in and lived there for a while and periodically touched base with Scott here at kcmoHomeBuyer.

Over the next few months, they worked on cleaning out the house and eventually accepted our purchase offer. But still, they could not quite get everything they wanted moved out of the house.  Finally, in August they got the last of the items they wanted out of the home, we all went to closing and they were able to pay the back taxes, pay off the small mortgage, and split the final proceeds.

Now they can move back to Florida, Colorado, and their own lives and stop dealing with their parent’s home.

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Kim Tucker

Kim Tucker along with husband Don and son Scott have been buying houses across the Kansas City Metro since 1999. They specialize in solving problems, renovating homes, and fixing up the neighborhood. If you need help selling give them a call they make cash offers and because they are also licensed Realtors, they have a few other tools in their tool box.

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