Is It Time for Assisted Living Talk?
It ‘s very important to have this conversation with your parents when it’s time for them to get assistance in their living. Possibly that would be living with you or into an assisted living home or facility. In today’s guest video from Gene Guario, we have some tips for you so you can have that discussion with your family members.
We work with quite a few family members who have helped their loved ones downsize, move in with then or into some form of assisted living. Often as the child, they are faced with helping their loved one to sell their home. Sometimes the home is a great place that a Realtor would love to assist with. Other times as mom or dad got older things just did not seem so as important and while the mind was sharp, the body and the pocketbook just was not there to make repairs and updates.
We talk to several sellers every month in this situation.
Some Houses are Perfect:
Selling a perfect home that is either newer or that has been well maintained and updated is a fairly easy task. Call up a local Realtor, sign a listing agreement and have them to all the work. This is going to work for many sellers, especially if your loved one is in a newer home. If you need a recommendation for a good Realtor, let us know. We work with some amazing Realtors every day and we would love to refer you to one of them.
Some are Well Maintained but Dated:
Other times we are faced with a house that mom and dad worked hard to keep maintained. When the furnace stopped working, they replaced it. When the light fixture broke they replaced it. Everything is in good working order. But when it came to making updates to modernize the home and the finishes, they just didn’t want to deal with the hassle. So now, when it’s time to sell, there are a lot of updates that the Realtor is going to tell you the home needs. If you would rather not go through the hassles of updating the home, we can help. We buy houses like this quite often.
Home in Disrepair:
As we age, often its easier to live with the worn rug and step over the crack in the floor than fix it. It’s less hassle to be extra careful on that loose step than to have a guy in to replace it. And as we age, things that we might have always fixed ourselves just don’t get done. We buy a lot of houses where mom and dad just stopped fixing things about 10 or maybe 20 years ago and over that period time things like the roof, the furnace or the windows are just plain worn out and other items like the kitchen cabinets are just falling apart. These are the houses we love, those that were well-loved family homes 20 to 30 years ago and need a lot of TLC to make them a well-loved home for a new family.
When it comes time to have “The Talk” with Mom or Dad, we hope these tips from Gene will help you and when you need to sell a home, we hope you will take a few minutes to reach out to us.